this memorial weekend was packed with fun and our friends from utah, the packs. love a good pun. they came down for a visit and we did so many fun things! we went to the beach, the getty (which was beautiful!), and a rockin' memorial day concert with one of our very favorites, little dragon.

a tram takes you to the top of a mountain to reach the getty. the building was a little like i would imagine the c.k. will be. floating, white, crazy flowers, orderly. loved it.

here we are with our friend louisa and her adorable puppy. we met her on the street before we grooved to little dragon. we had quite a chat. heather's face says it all. the pack's had to humor me. i just couldn't stop holding that pup. i offered louisa $50 for her. she had to turn me down even though she needed the money. she is her best friend after all.