August 21, 2011

spread love is the Brooklyn way

pocket knife not shown and temporary tattoos for toughness at truck stops. AMERICAN flag for respect. four days on the road. camped out in the garden of eden where we found an underground bunker i think. overflowing rivers flooded bridges caused for some 4x4ing. got flipped off twice in nauvoo. transylvannia is the worst state in the country right after missouri. the price of diesel is on par with the price of their jeans and we snuck in brooklyn on the gow-anus express toll road bridge road.

August 9, 2011

Eleven Months....whoa

Lo has spent the last month in Santa Clara without her Pop.....he has started a job in New York City and it has been quite the process to find an apartment! But, he finally found one and we will be on our way there in a couple of weeks. We have had to keep Lola pretty busy so she wouldn't miss her dad too much.

So, she has been taking it easy

finding holes.......even on her face, unfortunately

catching the dollar show

riding the carrousel

Cleaning house
scooting around

hanging with her best friend, who can't come to nyc........heartbreaking

and above all, staying cool.