I have a great love for the lemon! They are so fresh and so clean.....What's that? You are wondering if I have my very own lemon tree? Well, yes I do. Come again? You are curious if a man/or woman with no experience in the kitchen can create a frosty picture of Lemonade? Why, yes! Yours truly actually whipped up some delightful strawberry lemonade! And yes it was more delicious than frickin Applebee's! Lemons are not only a tasty treat they have many useful qualities. For example, throw one down the grossest of disposals and it will freshen it up. They can disinfect all kinds of surfaces and clean jewelry. They are also great for your skin. They lighten and even out your skin tone. A great home maid facial is just a squirt of lemon juice into yogurt with live cultures and your skin will be radiant!

I am so jealous that you are in warm, sunny California!
Congratulations and Good Luck!
you are such a domestic goddess. Love it!
I too, am jealous about the lemon tree. Our trees are breaking because of the 2-foot snowfall on them!
Your lemonade sounds heavenly! Forget the Crystal Light lemonade--that looks and sounds 5 billion times better! We sure miss you guys. Love you.
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