a couple of saturday's ago colt and i went to the MOCA museum in l.a. colt has wanted to go for months and see an exhibit by takashi murakami. murakami is a japanese artist whose work is everywhere! he is the one who added the cherries and eyes to the louis vuitton bags. he did a collaboration with marc jacobs. (i personally feel that they ruined a great thing, why mess with something fabulous) he also has worked with kanye west and much more. it was fun to go to l.a. colt loved the exhibit. i was just excited to go to the louis vuitton store they had inside the museum.
see tara dear, i knew you two would love ca! I wish we could have met you down there.... and lets talk about your lemon tree? i am so jealous. i wanted one so bad i almost paid way too much for an indoor one for utah until i found out that their juice is sweet. i love lemons and limes and can't wait to try the new facial trick.
when i do come and have you and my mom take care of me, can you have one of those pitchers of strawberry lemonade waiting?
wassaahh? i want to go to kanye, when is it? blaqstar, diplo, and justice are coming here in a month. chromeo in Vancouver.
your bro
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