my sweet family came down this last week. (yes i have lived here 3 months and they have come 4 times and i have gone home once, big deal!) we had so much fun! i was leaving utah a few weeks ago and saying goodbye with tears in my eyes when calli said i have spring break in 8 days! and so next thing i knew my beautiful family was here! it was great because it was such a toasty weekend. my dad came a couple weeks ago just to get out of the "damn cold" but, he just came down to have record breaking rains. so i was thrilled to have the sun out this time. chase was able to get a buddy pass and fly down from seatle, such a treat! we hadn't seen him in a while and we had so much fun. he looked so cute and seemed to be doing really well. we were only missing hannah (she is the most studious out of us all and won't miss school under any conditions.) we did what we always do, EAT and go to many, many, movies! we were also able to go to the beach and have a fun dinner right down in the sand in malibu. it was really good to be with the girls and have the boys back together!
That is so sweet about you and your family. You definitely have your priorities straight. I bet you get lots of visitors while you're there. The beach sounds so nice right now!
We didn't even know that your fam was going down there until Brooke said she was having lunch with all of you--how spectacular!! We are so glad that you had such a great time together (as usual). We could only be happier about it if we had been there, crashing your party too:-) We just adore you guys...and think of you always. Love you to pieces!
How hot are the Bingham girls?? Geez! I love that your family comes to visit so often, I knew they would. I just want to come to the Correy household.... and I'll be there in May. We are moving down for sure! xoxo
that was me nicole
That sounds like something I would love to do! The Bingham girls are beautiful!!!
I'm jealous! We miss you guys!!! How fun that your fam got to come down again! Seeing these pictures makes me miss your family so much. I haven't been to Utah since your WEDDING!!! Isn't that crazy?! We love you and we want to visit you too!
Looks like fun! You are spoiled to see them so often! I need a getaway to balmy temps.
It is so nice to have family visits! The only problem is I get depressed when they have to go. You have a darling family.
I'm so jealous that you live close enough your family can come visit for the weekend!! That's so much fun! I can't wait for my parents to come visit me in May. I haven't seen any of my family for over 3 months!
I love me some Binghams...you girls are gorgeous. Is Chase living in Seattle?
Im workin on the hairstyle but these things do take time you know. Growing hair reminds me of david crosby and the song he wrote about almost cutting his hair. Q:What do hippies, rastafarians, and Samson have in common? I guess we'll never really know why hair symbolizes so much and is so important. We're forgetting something guys there is one thing that gravity has no effect on and that is Tylers hair. It only grows in one direction and that is up, so I dont think it would work but Colton your head is a perfect candidate.
A:Extroardinarily Amazing Hair
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