about two weeks ago tara & moby went back to utah with heidi and lance after their visit, leaving me alone for a few days. yes it did give me guilt-free homework time, however i found myself doing things that normally wouldn't have happened with tara around. mixing all the juices to make enough for one last glass was the one that stuck out the most. i also happened to put off a cold long enough to make it a sinus infection which later complicated my weekend trip to utah. that was the first time that tara and i have been away from eachother in more than two.5 years, so that was a little weird. thankfully for some buddy passes and the convenience of the burbank airport, i was able to make it back to utah to attend the wedding of our good friend cameron pack to his lovely new wife heather. it was nice to see everyone and it was a nice wedding. they got married on leap year. not everyone gets to do that.
so after reuniting with tara and moby, the next thing on my agenda was to fill that little gap in my heart that has been missing since moving to california, going to the d.i. i really have had thrift store withdrawals from not being able to go to the d.i. now i know that california has thrift stores and flee markets and whatnot, but there is just something special and quality about the deseret industries. i didn't find anything in particular, other than a kitchy gold frame for a project i'm working on, but it was nice to be back at a d.i. (i went to two) so the week was a success. sorry to all of you we weren't able to see. a few days is not enough to do and see all those back at home.
p.s. if anyone knows any good thrift stores / flee markets around l.a. let me know.

p.s. if anyone knows any good thrift stores / flee markets around l.a. let me know.
From what I remember, there is a thrift store on First Avenue closer to Colorado on the west side of the road. it's past the railroad tracks...
Also I know of one in Glendora... Ill have to ask my sis where it is exactly but she would know where some good stores are. I know that there are some salvation army stores too. There are good gems down there, but you just have to know right where to find them...( Ithink they are better than DI, personally)
Colt...there are like 7 DI's in cali, including one in l.a. just go to the website it lists all of the locations.
Also, about 2 years ago I was shopping at one of the Urban Outfitters in the OC and I saw a pair of boots that were amazing, looked at the bottom and they had a DI sticker on them. Urban was selling them for $150.
here is the link... http://www.providentliving.org/location/display/1,12568,2026-1-1-49716,00.html
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