what a gift to have a domestic husband! i have always felt bad that i don't enjoy cooking, scrapbooking, or making wooden signs. the thought of sowing on a button gives me anxiety. in fact before i moved to california i made my mom give me a lesson, we practiced on rags. (what would i do without her!) the truth is this blog would not even be in effect if it weren't for colt, it is just too much for the uncreative tara to handle. so when i had my credit card out ready to buy a new bed (spending money, something I am good at) colton told me he would just make me a headboard. well, this isn't the first time colton has told me to not buy something that he could just make. the phrase "i could make that" is heard quite often in anthropologie when i pull out a lovely little skirt or sweater. i have yet to have colton hand make me a beautiful embroidered blouse, but he did do the headboard and it looks pretty swanky.
p.s. i wanted some black and white pillow cases made, i sent the fabric home last week for the other domestic person in my life to sow-calli
Tara! I'm so glad that I found your blog! Love the headboard, that's awesome. And i'm right with you on the crafty thing. It sucks, and how the heck do you thread a bobbin? I got my sewing machine out for the first time, tired to use it, and put it right back away. Maybe i'll send the stuff I need to be sewn right on down to Calli. Good to see you are doing so well!
Great work Colton! When did you find time to do that? It looks very classy. Calli made that round pillowcase? That's impressive!
Hello cute bed...very impressive colt. I would have never thought to do that...Ikea would pop into my head first.
Tara I'm so sad we didn't get to visit longer while you were in UT. You were very busy! Sorry if I seemed gloomy...Im in need of warm weather and I was watching the chillens for mother...I was rather stressed. Im glad all is going well. I love your cute hair...only you can pull it off and look amazing!
Don't you love hearing that? "I can make that." Oh, the invincible, incredible, talented men in our lives...sigh. LOVE the headboard and the fab striped pillow. However, uncreative Tara? No, I think not. The way you dress is an art.
it looks great! I love that you don't like making wood signs...because I don't either.
Colton is such a catch, what can't he do??
Tara, you are a woman of many talents. Your home is beautiful. The guys in our family love to make creative things also. I love the headboard.
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