i have a job! who would have thought that the day would come that i would be excited to say that? it has been a wild week. my friend, nancy cavallero is a costume designer and has worked on several movies and tv shows. (she is the gal i get all my hollywood dirt from!) well, she has been working as a stylist for valerie bertinelli.(new jenny craig spokesperson and was married to eddie vanhalen) anyway, she hired me as an assistant stylist! it has been madness, it all happened so fast. jenny craig is shooting a big commercial in hawaii this weeken

d, so all last week we were running around l.a. like crazies. i had to drive the wild freeways from torrance to rodondo beach to santa monica to malibu to hermosa to hollywood to studio city! and i got lost and lost and lost! bless brigham young's heart for creating the grid system in utah. these fluffy named streets are most confusing. but other than the panic attacks and several phone calls to my dad and colton to map quest my destinations it was really fun. i get paid to shop! we had a few fittings at valerie's house, which was cool. she lives right up on the hill with the best of them. she was very nice and i like her a lot. it was a fun fitting because we got to get surfer gear, wet suits and swimsuits. valerie has lost 40 lbs on jenny craig. so she looks great and feels great. it was fun to see her so excited to wear swimsuits. i have learned a ton. there are so many things to think about. lining her shorts, covering logos, making sure her colors compliment whoever she is next too and a lot of paperwork. one adventure i had was on a deadline run to target for fabric paint, i practically ran into this girl, i looked up and swore it was britney spears. she was dressed in the classic garb of a juicy couture tube dress with cowboy boots and a straw hat. but, no one was really noticing her so i figured it was a wannabe. but, then the store began to freak out. little boy's taking pictures of her with their cell phones and employees calling their friends. it was a stitch! only on the job in la.