"ellen, were gonna have some fun today, let's give a little love away!" boy, is her theme song right!!! i have never had so much fun, or felt so much love! ellen is the very best! with all of my exclamations you can tell that i am excited, but you could also see that from the video. ellen is so pretty in real life and smells so nice! it was seriously one of the funnest things i have ever done. calli, my mom, colton and i grooved and laughed, calli even cried tears of joy!
HOLY COW how amazing!! This just made my day. Alex and I just watched this video and were cracking up! So how much money DID you get?! I love ellen. and I love it that she chose you. Gosh I REALLY wish I would have seen that post soon enough to tivo the day you were on the show. How did she choose you for that? Way to go girl! It coudldnt have happened to a nicer more deserving person!! :)
Tara we all just giggled. I can't believe you were on Ellen they really picked the right person. I can't wait to see you. How are you doing? Did you get to talk to Ellen more than that? Fun stuff babe, you looked great by the way. Talk to you soon.
Hysterial! I watched it on Friday! I couldn't stop laughing and couldn't believe I knew that crazy girl going nuts on Ellen...You are so freakin' cute! what was the grand total?
i gathered up $970. but because ellen is the most generous gal around they round it up to a thousand!!! ( a blessing from tithing) the picture where i have a twenty on my stomach was 5 hours later when i started to itch and i found more money lodged in my clothes! boonah!
I can hardly breathe...that was incredible. Besides looking absolutely gorgeous, you were killer cute. Next time you talk to Ellen tell her you have a friend that wants to met Portia. Have you seen Arrested Development?
My word you guys, that is awesome!! Tara you are hilarious! You were so cute up on the stage! Was it hard to get tickets to the show? You guys are livin it up down in LA, we are so happy for you guys!
Hey i linked up to your blog! I need some help adding you to my list! Your blog is so cute! And you on the Ellen show, The funniest thing ever!!! You were so perfect for the part! How did they know how cute you would be! You are living the Califoenia life for sure!!
Tara, I love you! Absolutely hysterical. That is awesome. I think you were "made" for L.A. girl! Why didn't you move there sooner? I'm so jealous you got to hug Ellen, and go to American Idol and see the David's. How lucky are you!??? Sounds like Colt is lovin' it just as much as you are! When you are super bored this summer, make your way to AZ and we'll go swimming. I miss your guts cute girl!
Tara! I love you! this video is absolutely hysterial. You are the coolest girl ever. You are livin' the dream. I think L.A. has been the perfect fit for you. Why haven't you lived there your whole life?! I'm so jealous you got to see the David's perform live and you also got a live appearance on the Ellen Show. You go girl!!! Love and miss you lots. Come to AZ this summer and we'll go swimmin.
Is this real??? Can this be MY darling Tara!!!??? I couldn't believe my eyes...almost like the elephant painting!! I have been out of town and I am so mad that I didn't see this live. You were so darling. I know Ellen loved you too!
HAHAHA! Oh girl, you crack me up! that is the funniest thing I have EVER seen! I watched it like 10 times peeing my pants. Of course, TARA CORRY, who else! miss ya girl! love your guts!
NOOOO WAYYYYYY! I had my heart rate up watching you get so excited! What a rush! This is a lesson to always be sweet, outgoing and happy... you won over Ellen! Bruce saw this live on tv and didn't realize it was you! So glad you got choosen...you are darling! Love that Ellen was picking up money for you and letting you go a few seconds longer!
I called my sister today and she told me that she saw you on Ellen. Luckily I dvr Ellen every day so I went straight home to see if it was still recorded and it was!!! You are so darling!! How lucky are you to have been chosen out of the crowd! That's amazing! I wish I had your life!
Ok, so I totally saw you on there (because I watch Ellen everyday) then my little sis told me you had a blog so I had to see if you posted about it. (This is Kacee (Erickson) Preston) You were so dang cute on there and I was dying when you got to play that money game! That is such an awesome experience! And check out your pic with Striker! How fun! You look so adorable! Glad you are doing well!
i just want you to know, i tivoed ellen that day and was so pleased at what i discovered upon watching it. how great! glad you two are having fun out there.
Tara! You make me laugh!I love this video. Im so glad you guys are having a great time out there. I totally miss Cali right now! It makes me sad! I think the fam is coming out there so Sam and I should come up and visit you guys one day....maybe go to dinner! Miss ya girl! Hooray for FREE MONEY!!
i heart ellen. so much. i always felt like she and i would be bff's. if we should ever met, that is. sigh. anyway, chase is off exploring the city while i slave away for annie leibovitz.
Tara! Oh my gosh! You make me laugh so HARD! That is so freakin awesome that you were chosen to do that! So, how much did you end up getting, anyways?
HOLY COW how amazing!! This just made my day. Alex and I just watched this video and were cracking up! So how much money DID you get?! I love ellen. and I love it that she chose you. Gosh I REALLY wish I would have seen that post soon enough to tivo the day you were on the show. How did she choose you for that? Way to go girl! It coudldnt have happened to a nicer more deserving person!! :)
Tara we all just giggled. I can't believe you were on Ellen they really picked the right person. I can't wait to see you. How are you doing? Did you get to talk to Ellen more than that? Fun stuff babe, you looked great by the way. Talk to you soon.
TARA!!! That was awesome! We are dying laughing! I want to know how much you ended up winning? You are too cute! Way to go!
I loved it! I actually got goose bumps. I want to know the total!
Hysterial! I watched it on Friday! I couldn't stop laughing and couldn't believe I knew that crazy girl going nuts on Ellen...You are so freakin' cute! what was the grand total?
i gathered up $970. but because ellen is the most generous gal around they round it up to a thousand!!! ( a blessing from tithing) the picture where i have a twenty on my stomach was 5 hours later when i started to itch and i found more money lodged in my clothes! boonah!
I can hardly breathe...that was incredible. Besides looking absolutely gorgeous, you were killer cute. Next time you talk to Ellen tell her you have a friend that wants to met Portia. Have you seen Arrested Development?
obsessed with arrested development!
My word you guys, that is awesome!! Tara you are hilarious! You were so cute up on the stage! Was it hard to get tickets to the show? You guys are livin it up down in LA, we are so happy for you guys!
Hey i linked up to your blog! I need some help adding you to my list! Your blog is so cute! And you on the Ellen show, The funniest thing ever!!! You were so perfect for the part! How did they know how cute you would be! You are living the Califoenia life for sure!!
Tara, I love you! Absolutely hysterical. That is awesome. I think you were "made" for L.A. girl! Why didn't you move there sooner? I'm so jealous you got to hug Ellen, and go to American Idol and see the David's. How lucky are you!??? Sounds like Colt is lovin' it just as much as you are! When you are super bored this summer, make your way to AZ and we'll go swimming. I miss your guts cute girl!
Oliver and I are dying right now. Hilarious. Seriously. I love that they called your name, I can't get enough of it.
How much did you win?
Tara! I love you! this video is absolutely hysterial. You are the coolest girl ever. You are livin' the dream. I think L.A. has been the perfect fit for you. Why haven't you lived there your whole life?! I'm so jealous you got to see the David's perform live and you also got a live appearance on the Ellen Show. You go girl!!! Love and miss you lots. Come to AZ this summer and we'll go swimmin.
Is this real??? Can this be MY darling Tara!!!??? I couldn't believe my eyes...almost like the elephant painting!! I have been out of town and I am so mad that I didn't see this live. You were so darling. I know Ellen loved you too!
HAHAHA! Oh girl, you crack me up! that is the funniest thing I have EVER seen! I watched it like 10 times peeing my pants. Of course, TARA CORRY, who else! miss ya girl! love your guts!
NOOOO WAYYYYYY! I had my heart rate up watching you get so excited! What a rush! This is a lesson to always be sweet, outgoing and happy... you won over Ellen! Bruce saw this live on tv and didn't realize it was you! So glad you got choosen...you are darling! Love that Ellen was picking up money for you and letting you go a few seconds longer!
I keep watching this...it makes me so happy!
I called my sister today and she told me that she saw you on Ellen. Luckily I dvr Ellen every day so I went straight home to see if it was still recorded and it was!!! You are so darling!! How lucky are you to have been chosen out of the crowd! That's amazing! I wish I had your life!
You win. This is definitely the most awesome posting of the year!
Oh man. Funniest clip ever.
Ok, so I totally saw you on there (because I watch Ellen everyday) then my little sis told me you had a blog so I had to see if you posted about it. (This is Kacee (Erickson) Preston) You were so dang cute on there and I was dying when you got to play that money game! That is such an awesome experience! And check out your pic with Striker! How fun! You look so adorable! Glad you are doing well!
i just want you to know, i tivoed ellen that day and was so pleased at what i discovered upon watching it. how great! glad you two are having fun out there.
So incredible! I think you liked chatting with Ellen more than getting the money! ;) You're so darling, Tara.
I love this...you are so cute. Ty and I watched it over and over and laughed the whole time. Lucky you...have fun with all that money!!
You make me laugh!I love this video. Im so glad you guys are having a great time out there. I totally miss Cali right now! It makes me sad! I think the fam is coming out there so Sam and I should come up and visit you guys one day....maybe go to dinner! Miss ya girl! Hooray for FREE MONEY!!
i heart ellen. so much. i always felt like she and i would be bff's. if we should ever met, that is. sigh. anyway, chase is off exploring the city while i slave away for annie leibovitz.
hope everything's going well. ciao.
we still can't stop talking about this show at the household. So cute! How about an update! I miss you two and moby. Oh, how is it with ernie??
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