so my stylist job has slowed down a lot during the summer. i picked up another part time gig at the very zany, colorful, and fun t.v. show- YO GABBA GABBA! all of you with 2-5 year olds please tune in! it is on nick jr. and it is very entertaining. my friend's brothers created it and she is the big pink flower bubble named fufa. i am a production assistant there and it has been so fun. i get to watch all of the filming and eat great lunches from craft services. it has been amazing to see all that goes into these productions. it is a super laid back environment. people on bikes and skateboards singing songs about eating your veggies and sharing your toys. love it!
Tara.. Jaidyn loves that show. That black guy creeps me out but she likes all the characters. Your jobs seem like lots of fun. You look so good. Hope LA is wonderful, can't wait to be able to see you again. Best wishes!
Brooklyn loves this show as well! So fun you are involved with it!
DJ Lance!
Nash loves Yo Gabba Gabba (he says he is Muno - he is also Alvin, Harry Potter, Buzz Lightyear and Lightning McQeen). It is the one show that I actually watch with him... Tony Hawk & Biz Markie? Doesn't get much better. We practice the Beat of the Day periodically throughout the day. I am still a large fan of the Aquabats, so I was glad to see their flavor through a different medium. I was pretty good friends with Emma in high school, tell her the McReynolds kids love Yo Gabba Gabba.
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